Sunday, March 30, 2008

The Original Dance by Xiah Junsu

As promised, i bring you the original dance to my previous post. Without much fuss i ll take you directly to the dance.

Now , no doubt Xiah's Dance is great , but there are certain factors which make it look a lot better.

First, the group dance is always more appealing compared to an individual dance.
Also, the camera work is superb. Looks like someone has caught the video on a cellphone, but the way he is able to focus on Xiah as he moves on the Dance floor is impeccable. That makes every move look sharper and better.

Nonetheless, Xiah is an awesome Dancer cum Singer, one of the best i have seen.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Dancing For the First Time

Dancing is a way of life, as i discovered recently. It wasn't long back that i was caught up in the web of dull everyday activities, getting up in the morning, getting ready for work, slogging for 10 hrs in the office/college, coming home, eating and sleeping. This kind of a lifestyle robs away all the joy of life. Come to think of it, life is great and its priceless. Enjoy every bit of life. And discovering something you love to do and doing just that will help you live life to the fullest. It was not until i danced on stage that i felt, yes, i should learn dancing.

Dancing came naturally to me since i was a kid. I used to try copying professionals on TV. A Hrithik Roshan dance for Coca Cola ad wasn't a problem for me. I grasped the hip movements pretty quick and was performing the steps in the privacy of my bedroom within 10 minutes of watching the ad. Some steps, like the moonwalk came to me slower than usual. Its taken years to get it look good. Then again there are some steps which i haven't got the hang of yet, like, balancing myself upside down and doing various tricks.

I feel my life changed within 30 mins on Nov 3rd, 2007. It was a social gathering at MDC, Ashok leyland, Hosur. We GET's (Graduate Engineer Trainees) were to perform anything on stage voluntarily. Months before i had seen a superb dance by a Korean named Xiah Junsu to the song "All Rise" by blue. I was so fascinated by it that i tried copying it. This was one of those dances that took time to learn. Though i didn't perfect it i volunteered to do it on stage. And it changed my life forever. As i danced on stage i discovered i really loved to dance. It feels really great when there are people cheering you along, celebrating your dance, and dancing along with you. That did it for me and i enrolled immediately for Dance classes at an institute called "flyerz".

So, thats my story. I bring you this blog to help you and myself keep track of dances i learn, the sources i refer to, so on and so forth. I'll try to bring as many videos of my dances as are possible.
Along the way i ll post any important tips, articles, videos and details that i come across, which i feel may help people viewing my blog.

So first up, i ll let you have a look at the Dance i did on stage. It a Hip-Hop Dance. Many of you may feel it looks strange. I would also like to remind you, i hadn't perfected the Dance when this video was shot. So you'll see many moments when i am just standing doing nothing. I realize now that that was a big mistake. Also the moves aren't sharp, partly because of lack of enough practice and partly because of stage fear.

So just have a look and leave your valuable comments.

I ll post the original dance in my next post. Mostly because if you see my dance after the original dance, my dance will look so ordinary :)